RT Journal Article ID 62905 A1 Chansik Park T1 Toward Justice in History: Achievements and Challenges on the Seventieth Anniversary of Jeju 4.3 JF S/N Korean Humanities YR 2018 FD 2018/09/30 VO 4 IS 2 SP 15 OP 37 K1 Jeju 4.3 K1 History of Truth-Seeking of Jeju 4.3 K1 Seventieth Anniversary of Jeju 4.3 K1 Settlement of the Past K1 Transitional Justice K1 Nationalization of Jeju 4.3 K1 4.3 and the US K1 Rectification of the Name of 4.3 OP The Institute of the Humanities for Unification UL http://www.snkoreanhumanities.org/journalarticle.php?code=62905